Wishing You A Hallmark Christmas
Don’t you wish real life resembled Hallmark Movies?
My husband and I like watching Hallmark Movies together (please don’t tell him I blew his macho man cover). I think what we like most about them is that they always have a predictably happy ending.
Hallmark Movies usually make life and relationships look pretty easy and there’s normally very little conflict between the characters. Even when it comes to family. And what conflict there is can be resolved and neatly tied up with a bow in 90 minutes. My real life’s not even close to resembling that, how about yours?
Truth be told, life can be difficult and messy and many families seem to have their share of some kind of dysfunction or other issues. Sometimes it’s due to childhood events. Sometimes it’s due to jealousy, personality clashes, addiction, mental illness or a myriad of other real life things.
For many years I “set myself up” at Christmas and made the long trek north with visions of A Walton’s Christmas dancing in my head. In reality my dysfunctional family Christmases included fights at the Christmas table (or soon after) with 1 or more family member angrily leaving the “festivities” casting a dark cloud of sadness and confusion.
All the wishing and hoping did not change the reality of what my fractured family and life was. So one by one I put all my shattered hopes and dreams into God’s hands. And you know what? Over the course of many years He lovingly and painstakingly healed all the places that were hurt and mended the broken pieces that I thought could never, ever be put back together again.
Simply put, He made me whole.
That does not mean I still don’t wish that things weren’t different. That does not mean I still don’t wish for a Walton Family Christmas or that my real life more closely resembled a Hallmark Movie.
But it does mean that whether I spend Christmas with a house filled with family or am all alone I am OK. In fact, I am more than OK. It means I am content with what is.
Dr. Phil has a quote that says, “Sometimes you just got to give yourself what you wish someone else would give you”. I would put it this way, “Always let God give you what you wish others would give you, the things that only He can truly give”.
People will always fail you (as you do them). But God never will. He is the only One who can meet every need and exceed every heart’s desire.
By asking God to be your Savior and allowing Him to lead your life your “story” will have a happy ending with Him in Heaven — an ending much better than any Hallmark Movie could ever have.
Copyright 2019
Jackie Deems
Originally published at wwwamazinggracefarmscom.blogspot.com on March 9, 2019.