They Must Have Been Angels
They did not notice the perfect crystal cerulean blue sky. Their gazes downward, their thoughts raced forward as they planned the day’s events.
City noises did not distract their thoughts, they had become part of the rhythm, the background soundtrack of their everyday lives.
Until the piercing noise of plane engines. Too close. Too close. And their faces lifted upward to see the horror of plane hitting building.
It had to be an accident. The horror not even begun to unfurl before another plane, too close. Too close.
No accident, it can’t be.
They run away, away from the buildings. They scream, desperately looking for a safe place to hide. What is a safe place? There is none.
Still others run, but not away. They run towards the buildings. Towards the danger. Away from the would be safe places.
They run as fast as they can. Without hesitation. With no thought of their safety, they run. Into the flaming buildings.
Two, three, four steps at a time — they bound up towards the screams of those trapped in a twisted smoke and flame filled tangle of almost insurmountable debris.
Hands and arms reach out to cradle and guide and carry those who cannot walk on their own. Over and over they comfort, they carry, they rescue those who cannot rescue themselves.
It seemed impossible that any human could breach that place where Earth met Hell. But their mission called them forward, ever forward.
They must have been angels. Angels wearing blue uniforms or fire suits or plain clothes. Angels whose only goal was to take others away from the fiery Hell to safety.
They thought not of themselves as their strength drained and their wings became tattered and singed. They thought only to save 1 more. Just 1 more.
Until their wings were no longer able to carry them, and others came from far up above to take them to that place where crystal cerulean blue sky meets Heaven.
They must have been angels…
They were.
Jackie Deems copyright 2020