The Only Predictable Thing In Life
Unexpected ice pellets hit my face, stinging my cheeks as I carry hay up to the main sheep barn where my sheep wait for dinner. They are dry, I am not as they wait for “room service” to arrive. An errant gust of wind sends my hat flying through the pasture as rain and ice soak my hair and run down my neck. I chase it down, putting a soaked hat on my already soaked hair.
The temperature wasn’t supposed to drop before late evening, long after chores were done. It wasn’t supposed to freeze this early, and I hadn’t planned for dangerous footing of ice forming on top of thick mud from today’s deluge. The weather has shifted early, and the forecast is wrong again.
As a Shepherdess I have found that the only thing predictable about the weather is that it’s unpredictable. Many times, I have planned for a forecasted snowstorm, worked hard to get things ready, only to have not even 1 flake of snow. In my experience, the worst weather storms have been the ones that weren’t predicted — seemingly coming out of thin air — with no time to prepare.
As a Shepherdess I have also found that the only thing predictable about life is that it’s unpredictable.
Many times, I have planned for what I have perceived to be a difficult personal storm, worked hard to get myself ready, only to breeze through that time almost completely unscathed. In my experience, the worst storms in my life have been the ones that weren’t predicted — seemingly coming out of thin air — with no time to prepare. Things are going very well then all of a sudden, I am pelleted by a stinging unforeseen difficulty, circumstance or tragedy.
I have also come to realize that the only thing predictable in my life is my Good Shepherd. He never changes. He never slumbers. He’s never caught off guard by what’s happening. He never leaves me. He’s the only unmovable, unshakeable force in my life.
I know from experience that the One who literally formed the mountains can surely move mine. The One who has the power to calm the seas can navigate me through the deepest waters of grief, despair, hardship and difficulty. The One who created the world created me too. His love is so deep for me that He even knows the number of hairs I have on my head, and I am so important He formed me in my mother’s womb.
Just as my sheep are loved and protected by me, their Shepherdess, being in my Good Shepherd’s flock means I am loved unconditionally. I am protected. I am never alone when the storms of life come as they do for us all — whether they are expected or not.
I am literally never alone. Nothing could give me more comfort in this blessed life of mine as a part-time Shepherdess, full-time sheep.
Jackie Deems copyright 2023
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains —
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip —
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
Psalm 121:1–4