The Gift
I dreamed that God gave me 5 beautifully wrapped presents and He spoke these words as He placed them in my hands, “These gifts are not for you to keep, they are to be given to those you meet along life’s way. It is up to you to decide who you will bestow them upon.”
As I started my journey, my heart was filled with joyous anticipation as I began looking for those worthy of the marvelous gifts. Surely I would meet a King or Queen or, at the very least, a Prince to bestow them upon.
Just then I saw an old man alongside the road — his head was bandaged, his eyes clouded with pain. As he held his withered hand out to me he cried, “Please help me”.
I have no medical knowledge (I told myself). What else could I possibly give this dirty beggar? Surely God did not mean for me to waste one of His precious gifts on this pitiful man.
And I went on my way, never giving him another thought.
I walked for many miles clutching the presents to me. I hadn’t really noticed before, but the gifts were becoming a bit heavy. I hoped that soon I would meet someone worthy of these God given gifts.
Down the road I saw 3 people, a woman and 2 small children. My spirit lifted as I anticipated finally bestowing the first of the gifts. But, as the woman and children drew closer, I realized the woman’s clothes were threadbare-the children untidy. “Please, could you spare just a small piece of bread for my children, it’s been so long since we’ve eaten.”
“I have only enough for my journey, I couldn’t possibly spare anything for you or your children”, I told the woman. And I went on my way, never looking back once.
The beautifully wrapped gifts seemed to be growing heavier with each step I took. Those very things that once brought so much joy and anticipation now began to be a burden.
Soon, very soon, I thought, I will find someone worthy of one of these marvelous gifts.
Just then a well-dressed man approached me — surely he would be someone I could bestow a gift upon. He said, “Can you tell me what the most precious thing in the world is? You see, I am very wealthy but I’m not content. I’m searching for joy that will last forever. Do you know where I can find it”?
I clutched the presents even more tightly to me. This man already has everything, why should I waste one of MY gifts on someone who wouldn’t appreciate it any ways?
And I left him on the side of the road, alone and searching.
Time seemed to pass more slowly now, and it was days before I saw another person.
Finally, in the distance I saw a man and I ran to meet him. The gifts had long since become a burden-the wrapping dirty and torn. I was very disappointed that I hadn’t found even one person worthy of a gift.
The sadness in the stranger’s eyes was almost overwhelming and it was some time before his voice broke the silence. “My child, how was your journey”? Looking down at the presents He said, “I see you still have all the gifts I gave you. I thought by now you would have given at least one away”.
“Lord, there wasn’t a single person I found worthy to bestow them upon. I looked hard and long but to no avail.”
He said, “Suppose we open them and see what’s inside. Maybe then you could think of someone in need of their contents.”
One by one I excitedly opened the gifts — secretly hoping I would be allowed to keep them.
The 1st package contained clean bandages and a cup of cool water. I quickly tossed it aside, anxious to unwrap the next present — surely it would contain gold or silver or something of great worth.
The 2nd package had a loaf of freshly baked bread and a jar of honey in it. Odd, I thought, that anyone would consider this a precious gift.
I impatiently tore open the wrappings of the 3rd present, hoping it would be the valuable gift I had anticipated during my long journey. Instead, I found a Bible and I quickly laid it aside. After all, I already had several of them at home.
The anticipation was almost unbearable as I opened the 4th gift. In it was a parchment inscribed with 3 words: “Compassion, Encouragement and Love”.
I didn’t understand, so I asked the Lord, “What good are these gifts to me”?
“You’ve missed the point, My child. These were gifts you were to give others but, you clung to them so tightly they were of no use to anyone — including yourself. You have spent your life deciding who was worthy of your time and talents. You were selective about who you called your brother. And, Compassion, Encouragement and Love were brought out only on special occasions and, when it wasn’t too inconvenient for you. That’s not how they were meant to be used, I gave you these gifts to share and now it’s too late.”
“How sad it makes Me to know that these very special gifts I bestowed on you were wasted. My child, I picked them out just for you.”
“You could have made such a difference in so many lives, you could have touched many for My Kingdom.”
I could not meet His gaze, the tears on His cheeks pierced my very soul.
I hung my head in shame-all my excuses were hollow — there was nothing left for me to say.
It seemed like hours passed before I looked up again but, when I did, He was gone. And on the ground lay the last unopened present. I intended to leave it there in the road, certain I’d find its contents condemning to my very soul.
But something inside me whispered, “open it”, and with trembling fingers I removed the wrappings — once dirty and torn — now shiny and new. This 5th package contained another parchment inscribed with 3 words written especially for me: “Forgiven” and “Another Chance”.
Copyright 1995 Jackie Deems
Originally published at on March 7, 2019.