So God Created Rescuers…
When God looked out over the great expanse of the earth viewing all His creations, He realized He had just 1 more to create.
He needed someone who would see past a raggedy outward appearance, look squarely into eyes filled with pain and connect with a wounded heart…
So, God created rescuers.
He needed someone who would say yes to those others had already said no to, someone who could help rekindle a spirit crushed by abuse, neglect or apathy…
So, God created rescuers.
He needed someone who would have nerves of steel, an iron resolve to help no matter the personal cost and, a heart overflowing with compassion…
So, God created rescuers.
He needed someone who would fight for those who could not fight for themselves, someone to speak for those with voices too small or weak to be heard…
So, God created rescuers.
He needed someone who could suffer continual loss and heartbreak, spend countless hours and days and weeks with little or no encouragement — even be ridiculed for what He had created them to do…
So, God created rescuers.
He needed someone who would be willing to go without, to give to those who have even less, to sometimes give every last cent because another needs it even more…
So, God created rescuers.
He needed someone who would believe in miracles despite how grave the situation — to see past what others see as the obvious — to believe in what could be, to never give up hope…
So, God created rescuers.
He needed someone who could see the value in every living creature, whether they are covered with fur, wool, hair, scales, fins, feathers or human skin…
So, God created rescuers.
For in the end, when all is said and done — whether we rescue 1 or 101 — be they animals or people, God is pleased with our efforts to help all His creations — each was important enough to Him to create. And, whether our rescue efforts are “successful” or not, what matters most is the “trying”. For it’s in the trying that God is so clearly seen here on earth.
Copyright 2019 Jackie Deems