Only 3

Jackie Deems
4 min readMar 1, 2019


This should have been a unanimous vote. It was anything but that…

When I first heard The United States Senate was going to vote February 25, 2019 on Ben Sasse’s Bill (The Born Alive Bill) that would provide medical care and legal protection to infants born after a botched abortion, I assumed no one would vote against it. After all, votes would be made public so there could be no typical cloak and dagger politics, no hiding, no denials of how someone really voted. Surely no one would publicly stand and say this act of infanticide is acceptable or that it should play any part in a civilized society.

But I was wrong. Of the 47 Democrat Senators, 44 voted against the bill. Only 3 Democrat Senators and all present Republican Senators voted for the bill. With that vote, 44 people — many with children and grandchildren — publicly admitted they had not even a shred of moral conscience left.

Only 3 in a sea of 47 Democrat Senators said no, this is abhorrent, this is more than morally wrong: Doug Jones, Bob Casey, and Joe Manchin (who recently said, “Late term abortions are just horrific…totally just wrong”). These 3 stood up for decency, morality and common sense. They stood up for those whose right to stand had been cruelly — no monstrously — taken from them.

I have often found it ironic and hypocritical that the very same people — politicians, media, actors and others — who continually stand up and say they care for the children temporarily separated from their parents at the border — cannot, will not, have even a hint of compassion for babies forever separated from their parents by infanticide.

What else can you call the killing of a newborn child but infanticide? Even the most calloused heart cannot call a newly born living child anything but a baby — a person in its own right — a citizen of our country. That being the case, what about that child’s rights — that citizen’s rights — guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights?

I have also found it ironic and hypocritical that the very same people — politicians, media, actors and others continually stand up and proudly proclaim themselves white knights regarding the rights of children. They will fight for those children but not for the unborn or newly born children.

This hypocrisy is a stench to God and those of us who are not deceived. They frivolously think themselves superior to us but are no more than mere fools. Fools because they are so puffed up with their own self important pride and “intelligence” they don’t even know they are being deceived.

These Senators claim to be — are supposed to be — speaking for the American People they have sworn to serve. But in reality these public servants (note the word public) serve only themselves which is so glaringly obvious in this case. Call me naive’, but I can’t believe a majority of the people they pretend to represent think infanticide is acceptable in any way.

There’s so much more I could say about this travesty but my heart is broken just now as I mourn for each little lost soul as if they were my own. And my heart and mind can’t help but see that helpless newborn baby, its hands waving as it cries its first cries outside the safety of its mother’s womb. Those little hands do not grasp the warm comfort of its mother’s love. Those tiny baby fingers do not wrap themselves around her fingers. This little one is left alone to cry and die.

I know something of the grief of losing a child. I have suffered through 2 miscarriages and the loss of my only full-term child to a terminal illness. I have felt the life growing within and would have done anything I could to keep my little ones here with me. I have deeply grieved — continue to grieve — when their lives on earth ended.

And it’s because of those losses — and the fact I have a conscience and morals — that I can do nothing else but be counted with these “only 3” and all the others who will stand to be counted for these little ones, these image bearers of God. I do not have the right to remain silent as the lives and rights of the most innocent are vanquished with just the stroke of a pen. I simply cannot. I simply will not. Can you?

But there is one hope that can keep us all afloat as this sea of pure evil swirls and swells threatening to engulf us — to swallow America whole — and drag us under never to be seen again. These little ones — however they left this world — are now safely with God. The One Who created them. The One Who loves them most. The One Whose hand lovingly grasped theirs as they left this life.

Jackie Deems February 2019



Jackie Deems
Jackie Deems

Written by Jackie Deems

Animal rescuer, farm manager, part-time shepherdess/full-time sheep, sometimes writer, cat wrangler, very blessed child of God.

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