Let God Take Care Of The Sheep
Christmas is always such a busy time for me as I’m sure it is for you. Added to my usual daily “to do” list of caring for many sheep, rescue cats and dogs, a 34-acre farm, old house, etc. my Internet business booms at this time of year and everyone must have their order before Christmas — regardless of when they place it. It’s easy to feel overextended, tired and wishing it was all over with.
In my heart and mind I want to celebrate Christmas with as much joy and anticipation as when I was a child and could swear I heard Santa on the roof. But instead, I seem to anticipate a much needed rest instead of the arrival of the Christ Child and all His coming meant and means to the world today.
Each year I “wait” for Christmas to happen in me and it always does. It may come when I hear an unexpected Christmas Carol that sparks a warm memory from past Christmases or it could even be a card from a friend updating me on all the happenings in their family that year.
This year I was beginning to think I was just too tired for Christmas to happen in me. Until today, when some wonderful ladies from my church led the precious children in a Christmas presentation featuring angels with halos (some were crooked), little shepherd boys in bathrobes, and Mary and Joseph — both young children themselves. Of course, there was also Jesus who “Mary” (my little friend Melissa) told me before their presentation was really her sister Hallie’s baby doll named Toby.
As the children sang I could feel my heart filling with joy and anticipation as I waited for Mary and Joseph to take their place beside Jesus in the stable. As Mary and Joseph made their way to Jesus tears started to fill my eyes and Christmas came to my heart. Such a simple thing, but so profound…a stable, a baby — Emmanuel — God with us!
Then one of the little shepherd boys said, “Let’s go see Jesus, God will take care of the sheep”. Take care of the sheep? Yes, He will. Yes, He does. Though I literally care for sheep I realized in that moment I also have many other “sheep” (things) I feel I must care for — things that cause me to stress and not fully enjoy the life God has given me. Things I don’t let God handle, areas in my life I want control of, things that keep me from allowing Christmas to happen in me every single day. Things that take my focus off going and seeing Jesus.
If I keep my focus on the “sheep” in my life, instead of on Jesus, then I don’t need God, I don’t need the manger or the promise that God will never leave or forsake me — that He will be there and help me no matter what life brings.
But if I go see Jesus every day and let God take care of my “sheep”, my life would truly be His instead of mine. And that’s how it’s supposed to be.
Merry Christmas to you all! I’m going to go see Jesus and let God take care of my “sheep”. Will you join me?
December 22, 2012 Copyright 2012 Jackie Deems
Thanks to Julie, Jen, Anne, Sherry, Geoff, Nate, the children and everyone else who helped Christmas happen in me today! Hallie is pictured next to the manger with Jesus, played by Toby her baby doll.
Originally published at wwwamazinggracefarmscom.blogspot.com on March 16, 2019.