If I Win The Lottery
I just got off the phone with someone who asked me several questions about the rescue animals I care for. Her closing remark was, “If I ever win the lottery I will help you”.
I actually hear that comment quite often. I always say “thank you” but for some reason, this time was somehow different. Why? Because I just realized I already did win the lottery! Before you think this “crazy cat lady” really is, um, crazy — please allow me to explain.
I already won the lottery because I have:
A roof over my head — albeit an old roof’ — a consistent, comfortable, safe place to call my home.
The luxury of food to eat — food I actually get to choose — food I like — not food I have to scrounge every day for.
Good health, not perfect health — but good enough health.
A car — not a new car — but one that runs more than it doesn’t.
The comfortable companionship of a few good friends.
Money enough to meet my not so extravagant needs, with just a little left over to share with others who need it even more than I do.
Creatures to care for and about.
Clothes. Not the latest designer clothes. Just plain old comfy, worn in the right places clothes.
A few select people who love and actually “get” and appreciate me.
An awe inspiring place to live where I am surrounded by nature and see God’s handiwork at every turn.
A purposeful, meaningful (ever changing) life even though that purpose is sometimes perplexing to myself or others.
A contentment of soul. I don’t know how else to explain it. Just a deep down to the bone contentment that all will eventually be well no matter the present situation.
Most of all, I have already won the lottery because I know that this life is but a fleeting moment in time and will lead me to an eternity with Christ.
And if that’s not “winning the lottery”, what is?
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6: 19–21
Copyright 2019
Jackie Deems
Originally published at wwwamazinggracefarmscom.blogspot.com on March 16, 2019.