I Married A Stubborn Man
I married a stubborn man!
He stubbornly…
Believes all colors and patterns match when it comes to clothing. He’s color/shade blind and it’s oh so very obvious at times.
Brushes (in a very specific way) his almost nonexistent hair so it grows “properly”.
Insists I put away (in the correct place) anything I use in his workshop while he leaves things in the house he uses lying wherever they happen to land.
Will not try new food — ever.
Exceeds the speed limit because he says the posted speed is really just a “suggestion”.
Believes white socks can sometimes be worn with dark colored shoes.
Refuses to admit he forgets things.
Makes up his own words and claims they are legitimate even though they are not in any dictionary known to man.
Insists on doing things his way even though my way is clearly superior.
I married a stubborn man!
He stubbornly…
Goes to work when he doesn’t feel like it.
Does not walk away from our marriage in those times it would be much easier than staying.
Puts up with my family drama.
Puts up with my drama.
Says he would marry me all over again and that he would not want to go through this life with anyone else.
Knows when I need a hug and when I don’t.
Has my back no matter what.
Would give his life to protect mine.
On October 19, 1981 (and after only 3 months of long distance dating) I married a stubborn man. And, I thank God — at least most of the time — He gave me this stubborn man.
Copyright 2019
Jackie Deems