His Eye Is On The Kitty…

Jackie Deems
5 min readMar 7, 2019


Pumpkin waiting for me to come outside.

The little 3-year-old girl had been asking her parents for a black and white kitty for over a year and they finally thought she was old enough to care for just the right kitty. It had to be black and white (according to the little girl) and it had to love her. It had to be great with kids (according to the parents) and use a litter box.

And so their search at shelters and pounds began, a journey that took them to places in several counties and all over the internet. Each time their journey ended with disappointment and they wondered if they’d ever find the perfect cat for them.

Every day the little girl would say, “Is today the day we find my cat?” Every day the answer to her question was always “no”.

Then one day the little girl’s mom looked on Petfinder.com and saw a cat that sounded too good to be true. His name was Pumpkin and the information provided by the rescue he lived in (our CATS Rescue) said he was great with kids. And, he was black and white!

Mom emailed me and then called to find out more about Pumpkin. It was one of those moments when you know something was meant to be and both of us realized that. Mom, dad, the little girl and her baby brother wanted to come visit Pumpkin as soon as they could.

I rescued Pumpkin and his 3 litter mates 1–1/2 years ago when they were just 6 weeks old. In fact, I even wrote one of my blogs about that experience, “Who’s Rescuing Who?”. Pumpkin has always been, as my friend Mary Ann says, “Attention Needy” meaning you just can’t give him enough attention.

Since there are so many cats in our rescue, Pumpkin has been living outside for a few months(the younger healthy cats have buildings they can go into with heat lights, heated waterers, soft, warm beds, etc.) But Pumpkin always wants to be with a person — any person — regardless of the weather. When we sit at the kitchen table he sits on the window ledge and looks in at us. When I open the front door this little black and white kitty looks up at me, big eyes pleading with me to come out and pet him.

Pumpkin did live indoors for a time but loved being outdoors too so this Summer Pumpkin got to experience climbing trees, chasing leaves and playing until he was too tired to play. He liked being outside almost as much as he liked being with people. Almost…

Because of his intense need for interaction, that I knew I could not satisfy, I decided the most loving thing to do for Pumpkin was to find him a home with a family that was just his — a place where he would get all the attention he deserved and craved. So, I listed him on Petfinder.com

It’s much easier for a kitten to find a home than an adult cat and I prayed for Pumpkin (as I do for all my rescues) that the perfect family would adopt this special little black and white kitty. When I got the call from the mom looking for a friendly black and white kitty that was good with small children I knew my prayers for Pumpkin were answered.

When the young family arrived at our farm Pumpkin was waiting at their van before they could even open the doors. The little girl burst out of the van saying, “There’s my cat, Pumpkin” and with those words picked him up in her arms (upside down) and hugged him as tightly as she could while Pumpkin joyfully kneaded the air above him. It was love at first sight for them both. It only took the skeptical parents a few moments to recognize Pumpkin was the cat they’d been looking for — the cat they thought didn’t exist.

As they walked around our farm looking at the other animals Pumpkin walked beside the little girl like a devoted dog. If Pumpkin got even an inch away from the little girl she would start to cry because she thought he was going to run away and she would not be able to take him home. It brought tears to my eyes as I saw him responding to someone he just met but somehow seemed to know would be his future.

When the short visit was over the little girl said, “Let’s go home Pumpkin”. And they did. And I have to admit, I have shed more than a few tears because I miss Pumpkin. But just today I received an email from the mom and the tears I have shed because I miss Pumpkin were replaced with tears of joy for a little black and white kitty who has found the family he so desperately wanted and deserved.

The email said: “Thank you again for choosing us to adopt Pumpkin. He is working out better than I could have ever hoped. He is truly a special cat and we all love him. He loves the kids and the kids love him. He sleeps with my daughter every night in her bed. I almost think he thinks he’s her protector at night. Because of him she is now sleeping in her own bed (which we could never get her to do). Pumpkin is getting quite comfortable here and seems very happy.”

As I end this story, I realize I am thankful for so many things on so many levels regarding Pumpkin. Obviously, I am thankful for this family who did not give up looking for the perfect kitty for their daughter. I am thankful God directed them to find Pumpkin, on a website that represents hundreds of thousands of adoptable rescue pets.

I am also thankful Pumpkin’s story gives me hope that there is the perfect someone out there for every dog or cat or any other animal that needs to be rescued. They just need to find each other..

Most of all I am thankful for and to the God Who cares about what I care about — even if it’s just a little back and white kitty named Pumpkin.

“His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me…” A song written by Civilla D. Martin (1905)

“Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.”

“Therefore do not fear, you are of more value than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10: 29,31

Copyright 2019 Jackie Deems

Originally published at wwwamazinggracefarmscom.blogspot.com on March 7, 2019.



Jackie Deems
Jackie Deems

Written by Jackie Deems

Animal rescuer, farm manager, part-time shepherdess/full-time sheep, sometimes writer, cat wrangler, very blessed child of God.

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