A Letter From Heaven
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
I know you are so sad I am gone and that you wanted me to stay with you forever. I wanted that too. I really wanted to grow up on earth but instead, God brought me to Heaven to grow up here.
Mommy and Daddy, I know you can’t see me now except in your hearts but I am not sick any more. I don’t hurt any more. I am whole and happy and having so much fun surrounded by so much more love than I knew existed.
I want you to know you did nothing to make me leave you. God told me so. In fact, you did everything you could to keep me on earth. That’s how much you loved me — still love me — forever will love me.
I also want you to know He knew you would be good parents, are good parents, and that if staying with you was the best thing for me, I would have stayed.
You had so many dreams for my future, so much planned for my life on earth. Please know all those dreams have already come true — and so very much more than we could have ever imagined.
I know you are shedding so many tears and I only wish I was there to dry them. I know your hearts are breaking and I only wish I could be there to mend them. I can’t but God can. And He will, if you let Him.
I know you wonder sometimes if life is worth living without me. It is. Please believe it is. My earthly work was done in a few short days — mere blinks of an eye. But your work, your earthly purpose is not yet done. That’s why God left you behind.
I want you to know I am glad I came to earth to be your child, even for just a short while. For in that brief moment I felt so loved by you and I am so happy to be your daughter for eternity.
I know Heaven seems so far from earth. But my love for you and your love for me bridges the distance between us. And I feel your love. Do you feel mine too?
I want you to be happy, to have the best life you can on earth. I hope you have other children too, because they will be so very, very loved by you.
And, in those times when your sadness seems too hard to bear know that God and I are cheering you on. God will give you the strength to finish your race, this life He has given you.
Mommy, Daddy, when you reach life’s finish line, I will be there.
I will be forever there. With you.
I Love You To Heaven And Back,
Hazel Grace
Jackie Deems copyright 2019